Practice Work, Beach Scene

Beauty Shot

Beauty Shot

Flat Shaded Scene

Flat Shaded Scene

Wireframe With Colored Foliage

Wireframe With Colored Foliage

Wireframe With Flat Shaded Foliage

Wireframe With Flat Shaded Foliage

A short video going through teach pass made to showcase on my demo reel

This is a scene I made for my demo reel, it is a simple beach scene mostly modeled in blender aside from the beach itself which I used Zbrush to add textures and sculpting information. In truth there is actually a lot more of the scene sculpted, and textured, but I don't feel comfortable showcasing that work publicly yet, I hope to work on it some more and improve it later on, but after spending so much time on this project I decided I really needed to try my hand at something else for a while. Sometimes you hit a wall and need to try out another approach.

Anyways, I created the foliage in blender using their particle modifier with great results along with the row boats which were also made almost entirely, aside from the textures which I used zbrush to fulfill that role. I rendered it used the cycles engine in blender.